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Homeopathy Workshop - Learn How Homeopathy Can Help Your Child & You 

This unique short workshop provides an opportunity to learn about Homeopathy and how it can help not just your child but the whole family's wellbeing on multiple levels (physical, mental and emotional).


We understand how busy life can get, so we have designed this workshop to run for just one hour, online.

This workshop is suitable to anyone has either exhausted all other options or is interested in trying something different and more natural, in order to help their family stay healthy and happy.

Topics we will cover are:



  • What is Homeopathy

  • How is Homeopathy different to other natural medicines 

  • What type of conditions Homeopathy may help with

  • Who can use Homeopathy

  • How Homeopathy can work with conventional medicine 

  • How Homeopathy may help your child with acute conditions like coughs, colds, flu, headaches, earaches, injuries etc

  • How Homeopathy may help with chronic conditions like allergies, susceptibility to colds, behavioural issues, ADHD etc

Questions are welcome.


Special takeaway: anyone attending the workshop will receive a 30% discount when you book your initial consult.

Date: Tuesday 27th August OR Thursday 5th September, 7.30pm - 8.30pm

Location: Online, Zoom

Cost: Free

Bookings are essential as places are limited.

For phone bookings or email inquiries go to our CONTACT page or register your interest below.

your privacy is important to us

Register Your Interest

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If you are not sure which service is right for you, please schedule a 15 minute FREE chat with Eve

there's no commitment, pressure or obligation

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